an image of what appears to be a city in chaos

When is Disobeying the Law Justified? Examining Situations Where Following the Law is Unacceptable

When is Disobeying the Law Justified? Examining Situations Where Following the Law is Unacceptable The Role of Laws in Society Laws play a crucial role in maintaining order and stability in society. They establish guidelines for behavior and provide a framework for ensuring that individuals are treated fairly and with Read more…

Jordan Peterson painting, looking away.

Teaching Kids the Importance of Rational Speech: Tips and Insights from Jordan Peterson and 20th Century Thinkers

Why it’s crucial to encourage critical thinking and respectful communication in children. As Jordan Peterson writes in his book “12 Rules for Life,” “The dangers of unchecked emotions are well-known and manifold. They can lead to disastrous decisions and actions, both personal and collective.

dark side of social media

The Dark Side of Social Media: How it Affects the Mental Health of Our Youth

he Dark Side of Social Media: How it Affects the Mental Health of Our Youth, As a society, we are increasingly reliant on social media to connect with one another and stay informed about the world around us. While social media can be a great tool for communication and information sharing, it can also have negative impacts on our mental health…